You don’t need to face your opioid addiction alone.

 Office-Based Opioid Treatment Program You don’t need to face your opioid addiction alone. There is HOPE. We can HELP. Office-Based Opioid Treatment with Suboxone. Call ABT Counseling today or click here for more info. #ABTCounseling #OBOT...

Meet Dr. Campbell, director of OBOT program

 Meet Dr. Cambpell, Director of OBOT Program ABT’s Medical Director of our Office-Based Opioid Treatment is Dr. Leopold Campbell. He’s been in practice for almost 40 years and specializes in chemical addiction.   “Working together with...

ABT Counseling Now Offers Opioid Addiction Treatment

 ABT Counseling Now Offers Opioid Treatment This summer ABT Counseling has begun offering Office-Based Opioid Treatment for chemical addiction. Medical Doctor Leopold Campbell, and Physician’s Assistant Anil Ganga and have joined the ABT staff which...